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Weather in Morro Bay is typically very moderate year round.


Spring in Morro Bay typically has moderate temperatures (highs in 60s or low 70s) with cooler mornings. Afternoons are often windy - usually with winds out of the northwest. Fog can occur, but is less common than during the summer. Rain can occur, especially in early spring, but is less common than in winter.


Summer can be foggy and cool (i.e highs in 60s) along the coast, but sunny days will be warmer. Mornings often start out foggy, but the fog often (although not always) clears by mid day. Afternoons along the coast can still feature strong winds from the northwest, but this pattern is less pronounced than in the spring. Rain is very rare (although possible) throughout the region in the summer.


Fall is actually the warmest season on average along the coast, with daily highs usually in the low 70s. Fog is less pronounced than in the summer (although we can still get days of thick fog) and windy afternoons with winds off the ocean from the northwest are less common than in spring and summer. An increasing number of days may also have offshore winds, which can be highly variable and come from many different directions. Mornings can still be cool. Toward late fall (November and early December) we might start getting the first rain storms of the rainy season, although several week periods of clear calm weather are just as likely.


Winter daily highs along the coast are still very moderate, usually in the low 60s. Mornings can be cold and frost does happen. Fog is relatively rare, but can happen as well. Wind direction and strength is less consistent than at other times of year and some days may have offshore winds that can be quite strong in certain places. November to April is the rainy season and rain (sometimes heavy) can occur, but even during the rainy season, we sometimes get long stretches of beautiful clear weather.

Bottom line - the Central Coast is a great year round destination, from a California weather perspective.

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